grain field


The Bioenergy Feedstock Library (BFL) is a physical sample repository and database for metadata (i.e., harvest information, sample details, operational data) and analytical data (i.e.,physical, chemical, conversion performance characteristics) for biomass feedstock and intermediates. 

The BFL provides tools to store, record, track, retrieve, and analyze data to help researchers and industry overcome challenges posed by biomass variability.


Funding and Support

The Library is sponsored by the US Department of Energy’s Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO).  It is part of the Biomass Feedstock National User Facility located and operated at Idaho National Laboratory, and is maintained by a technical staff including a librarian.


Sample and data collection and archival is an ongoing effort with public and private collaborators.



The BFL contains:

  • Sample data for over 100,000 biomass samples
  • Bioenergy characterization data for more than 50,000 samples
  • More than 78,000 samples and corresponding data publicly available

Samples and data represent 100 different biomass types, originating across the U.S. and multiple other countires. Physical samples come from projects funded by the Department of Energy’s Bioenergy Technologies Office and other contributors.


 BFL capabilities include:  

Project Management provides researchers with tools to securely manage their own biomass samples from anywhere.

  • Barcode sample management/data­base management interfaces allow researchers to upload, store, edit and track biomass samples, analytical data and sample results.
  • Security controls can limit dissemination of sample and data for a project, but allow external visitors snapshots of important biomass characteristics through data aggregation.

Samples and data can be accessed, managed, and exported through our Sample Database.

Parent-Child Tracking
maintains the relation­ship of feedstock characteristics from single-source materials and their process intermediates in a hierarchical format through preprocessing and conversion testing.

Sample hierarchies can be visualized through our Sample Hierarchy tool.

Data Analysis and Summary Tools

• The Analysis Summary tool shows an overview of the library’s analysis results by displaying averages of all analyses performed for each crop type. This allows users to see breadth of analysis types and feedstocks at a glance.

Attribute Graphs show the characteristics of various biomass types. Users enter the biomass type and the analysis type for the desired graph, allowing a look at the variability of analysis results for selected biomass feedstocks types.

• The Blend Prediction tool explores the projected char­acteristics of custom biomass blends. Blend characteristics are estimated by combining characteristics of individual biomass types, allowing the user to estimate quality parameters of feedstock blends.

• The Least-Cost Formulation tool is a mapping interface that allows users to explore the regional distribution and availability of biomass types and blends based on cost per ton, harvest radius and harvest year.

• Our DataSet page contains downloadable datasets that include associated database samples, relevant citations, and files.

Reference Materials provide commercially harvested standardized, characterized industrial feedstocks for research.

Data sheets for each sample provide details about:

  • Age
  • Origin
  • Preparation
  • Chemical composition
  • Fuel properties
  • Ash composition
  • Particle characteristics

Researchers may request shipment of reference materials by submitting a biomass request form or contacting [email protected]


Becoming a User

Want more access to sample data, information, and BFL capabilties for project management? Register for membership.

Memebership is completely free. Register through our Login page by clicking the "register" tab. If you require access to a specific project or have special requests please fill out the comments section of the registration form or contact [email protected].



U.S. Department of Energy, Idaho National Laboratory. "Bioenergy Feedstock Library." (accessed, Date)



 We value user feedback. Please let us know if you have questions or suggestions to improve your experience.

 Contact us at [email protected] or 208-526-0424.