grain field

Landscape Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA)

Cost analysis of biomass logistics


Biomass logistics costs vary depending on the crop grown and the management practices on the ground. The cost analysis below illustrates how the logistics costs could change depending on the field types (its size and shape), crops yield, machinery used and the number of passes in the machinery system. 

Corn Stover Field 2
Category (Those with '+' may be expanded) Cost ($/Dry Ton)
Baling 15.84
Roadsider 3.37
Field Side Storage 3.60
Transportation and Handling Cost from Field to Biorefinery 8.51
Grinder 1 8.74
Grinder 2 4.56
Conveyors 0.26
Dust Collection 1.59
Surge Bin 0.05
Miscellaneous Equipment 0.22
Storage at Refinery 0.94
Handling and Queueing at Refinery 1.35
Total Logistics Cost 49.03
Corn Stover Field 9
Category (Those with '+' may be expanded) Cost ($/Dry Ton)
Baling 9.01
Roadsider 3.44
Field Side Storage 3.05
Transportation and Handling Cost from Field to Biorefinery 7.97
Grinder 1 8.12
Grinder 2 3.65
Conveyors 0.26
Dust Collection 1.44
Surge Bin 0.05
Miscellaneous Equipment 0.22
Storage at Refinery 0.96
Handling and Queueing at Refinery 1.38
Total Logistics Cost 39.55
Corn Stover Field 8
Category (Those with '+' may be expanded) Cost ($/Dry Ton)
Baling 9.74
Roadsider 3.18
Field Side Storage 2.94
Transportation and Handling Cost from Field to Biorefinery 7.97
Grinder 1 8.74
Grinder 2 4.56
Conveyors 0.24
Dust Collection 1.44
Surge Bin 0.05
Miscellaneous Equipment 0.22
Storage at Refinery 0.88
Handling and Queueing at Refinery 1.27
Total Logistics Cost 41.23
Corn Stover Field 6
Category (Those with '+' may be expanded) Cost ($/Dry Ton)
Baling 8.76
Roadsider 3.37
Field Side Storage 2.98
Transportation and Handling Cost from Field to Biorefinery 8.49
Grinder 1 8.41
Grinder 2 3.99
Conveyors 0.26
Dust Collection 1.44
Surge Bin 0.05
Miscellaneous Equipment 0.22
Storage at Refinery 0.93
Handling and Queueing at Refinery 1.35
Total Logistics Cost 40.25
Corn Stover Field 4
Category (Those with '+' may be expanded) Cost ($/Dry Ton)
Baling 18.15
Roadsider 3.43
Field Side Storage 3.85
Transportation and Handling Cost from Field to Biorefinery 8.61
Grinder 1 8.64
Grinder 2 4.51
Conveyors 0.26
Dust Collection 1.68
Surge Bin 0.05
Miscellaneous Equipment 0.22
Storage at Refinery 0.95
Handling and Queueing at Refinery 1.37
Total Logistics Cost 51.72
Corn Stover Field 1
Category (Those with '+' may be expanded) Cost ($/Dry Ton)
Baling 15.88
Roadsider 3.49
Field Side Storage 3.68
Transportation and Handling Cost from Field to Biorefinery 8.79
Grinder 1 8.64
Grinder 2 4.51
Conveyors 0.27
Dust Collection 1.59
Surge Bin 0.05
Miscellaneous Equipment 0.22
Storage at Refinery 0.97
Handling and Queueing at Refinery 1.39
Total Logistics Cost 49.48
Corn Stover Field 7
Category (Those with '+' may be expanded) Cost ($/Dry Ton)
Baling 22.74
Roadsider 3.87
Field Side Storage 4.52
Transportation and Handling Cost from Field to Biorefinery 9.74
Grinder 1 9.00
Grinder 2 4.87
Conveyors 0.38
Dust Collection 1.74
Surge Bin 0.05
Miscellaneous Equipment 0.22
Storage at Refinery 1.03
Handling and Queueing at Refinery 1.56
Total Logistics Cost 59.71
Corn Stover Field 5
Category (Those with '+' may be expanded) Cost ($/Dry Ton)
Baling 19.78
Roadsider 3.50
Field Side Storage 4.08
Transportation and Handling Cost from Field to Biorefinery 8.84
Grinder 1 9.75
Grinder 2 4.78
Conveyors 0.33
Dust Collection 1.69
Surge Bin 0.05
Miscellaneous Equipment 0.22
Storage at Refinery 0.98
Handling and Queueing at Refinery 1.40
Total Logistics Cost 55.40
Corn Stover Field 3
Category (Those with '+' may be expanded) Cost ($/Dry Ton)
Baling 24.84
Roadsider 3.24
Field Side Storage 4.30
Transportation and Handling Cost from Field to Biorefinery 8.13
Grinder 1 9.00
Grinder 2 4.87
Conveyors 0.24
Dust Collection 1.74
Surge Bin 0.05
Miscellaneous Equipment 0.22
Storage at Refinery 0.89
Handling and Queueing at Refinery 1.29
Total Logistics Cost 58.82
Switchgrass Field 59
Category (Those with '+' may be expanded) Cost ($/Dry Ton)
Mowing 10.89
Conditioning with Mower 13.61
Raking 6.95
Baling 24.99
Roadsider 3.89
Field Side Storage 5.69
Transportation and Handling Cost from Field to Biorefinery 9.74
Grinder 1 8.03
Grinder 2 3.84
Conveyors 0.38
Dust Collection 2.14
Surge Bin 0.05
Miscellaneous Equipment 0.22
Storage at Refinery 1.02
Handling and Queueing at Refinery 1.56
Total Logistics Cost 93.00
Nitrogen 3.50
Phosphorous 4.19
Potassium 8.48
Lime 0.00
Atrazine 0.86
Acetochlor 1.91
2,4-D 5.92
Seed Cost 16.18
Site Preparation 9.58
Plantation 2.35
Chemical Application 9.27
Total Grower Payment 62.25
Switchgrass Field 64
Category (Those with '+' may be expanded) Cost ($/Dry Ton)
Mowing 2.27
Conditioning with Mower 2.67
Raking 1.36
Baling 9.34
Roadsider 3.71
Field Side Storage 3.34
Transportation and Handling Cost from Field to Biorefinery 9.30
Grinder 1 6.13
Grinder 2 3.02
Conveyors 0.33
Dust Collection 1.49
Surge Bin 0.05
Miscellaneous Equipment 0.22
Storage at Refinery 1.03
Handling and Queueing at Refinery 1.56
Total Logistics Cost 45.73
Nitrogen 3.50
Phosphorous 2.12
Potassium 5.33
Lime 0.00
Atrazine 0.18
Acetochlor 0.40
2,4-D 1.23
Seed Cost 3.36
Site Preparation 1.99
Plantation 0.49
Chemical Application 1.93
Total Grower Payment 20.53
Switchgrass Field 64
Category (Those with '+' may be expanded) Cost ($/Dry Ton)
Mowing 3.25
Conditioning with Mower 3.88
Raking 1.98
Baling 8.87
Roadsider 3.77
Field Side Storage 3.47
Transportation and Handling Cost from Field to Biorefinery 9.49
Grinder 1 6.45
Grinder 2 3.27
Conveyors 0.35
Dust Collection 1.54
Surge Bin 0.05
Miscellaneous Equipment 0.22
Storage at Refinery 0.99
Handling and Queueing at Refinery 1.51
Total Logistics Cost 49.09
Nitrogen 3.50
Phosphorous 2.35
Potassium 5.68
Lime 0.00
Atrazine 0.25
Acetochlor 0.57
2,4-D 1.76
Seed Cost 4.80
Site Preparation 2.84
Plantation 0.70
Chemical Application 2.75
Total Grower Payment 25.21
Switchgrass Field 66
Category (Those with '+' may be expanded) Cost ($/Dry Ton)
Mowing 2.76
Conditioning with Mower 3.63
Raking 1.85
Baling 7.52
Roadsider 3.84
Field Side Storage 3.37
Transportation and Handling Cost from Field to Biorefinery 9.66
Grinder 1 8.03
Grinder 2 3.27
Conveyors 0.36
Dust Collection 1.54
Surge Bin 0.05
Miscellaneous Equipment 0.22
Storage at Refinery 1.01
Handling and Queueing at Refinery 1.54
Total Logistics Cost 48.65
Nitrogen 3.50
Phosphorous 2.24
Potassium 5.51
Lime 0.00
Atrazine 0.22
Acetochlor 0.48
2,4-D 1.50
Seed Cost 4.09
Site Preparation 2.42
Plantation 0.59
Chemical Application 2.34
Total Grower Payment 22.90
Switchgrass Field 67
Category (Those with '+' may be expanded) Cost ($/Dry Ton)
Mowing 3.99
Conditioning with Mower 1.55
Raking 2.45
Baling 10.33
Roadsider 3.71
Field Side Storage 3.62
Transportation and Handling Cost from Field to Biorefinery 9.30
Grinder 1 6.45
Grinder 2 3.27
Conveyors 0.33
Dust Collection 1.59
Surge Bin 0.05
Miscellaneous Equipment 0.22
Storage at Refinery 1.03
Handling and Queueing at Refinery 1.47
Total Logistics Cost 49.36
Nitrogen 3.50
Phosphorous 2.53
Potassium 5.96
Lime 0.00
Atrazine 0.31
Acetochlor 0.70
2,4-D 2.16
Seed Cost 5.91
Site Preparation 3.50
Plantation 0.86
Chemical Application 3.39
Total Grower Payment 28.81
Switchgrass Field 76
Category (Those with '+' may be expanded) Cost ($/Dry Ton)
Mowing 3.49
Conditioning with Mower 0.00
Raking 2.40
Baling 7.93
Roadsider 3.51
Field Side Storage 3.28
Transportation and Handling Cost from Field to Biorefinery 8.81
Grinder 1 6.45
Grinder 2 3.13
Conveyors 0.29
Dust Collection 1.52
Surge Bin 0.05
Miscellaneous Equipment 0.22
Storage at Refinery 0.97
Handling and Queueing at Refinery 1.40
Total Logistics Cost 43.45
Nitrogen 3.50
Phosphorous 2.41
Potassium 5.78
Lime 0.00
Atrazine 0.27
Acetochlor 0.61
2,4-D 1.90
Seed Cost 5.18
Site Preparation 3.06
Plantation 0.75
Chemical Application 2.97
Total Grower Payment 26.43
Switchgrass Field 69
Category (Those with '+' may be expanded) Cost ($/Dry Ton)
Mowing 14.10
Conditioning with Mower 6.07
Raking 9.61
Baling 7.39
Roadsider 3.52
Field Side Storage 4.59
Transportation and Handling Cost from Field to Biorefinery 8.86
Grinder 1 8.03
Grinder 2 3.84
Conveyors 0.31
Dust Collection 1.92
Surge Bin 0.05
Miscellaneous Equipment 0.22
Storage at Refinery 0.98
Handling and Queueing at Refinery 1.40
Total Logistics Cost 70.89
Nitrogen 3.50
Phosphorous 4.94
Potassium 9.63
Lime 0.00
Atrazine 1.11
Acetochlor 2.46
2,4-D 7.65
Seed Cost 20.89
Site Preparation 12.37
Plantation 3.04
Chemical Application 11.97
Total Grower Payment 77.55
Switchgrass Field 59
Category (Those with '+' may be expanded) Cost ($/Dry Ton)
Mowing 3.79
Conditioning with Mower 1.59
Raking 2.52
Baling 21.53
Roadsider 2.91
Field Side Storage 3.92
Transportation and Handling Cost from Field to Biorefinery 7.12
Grinder 1 6.45
Grinder 2 3.13
Conveyors 0.19
Dust Collection 1.70
Surge Bin 0.05
Miscellaneous Equipment 0.22
Storage at Refinery 0.77
Handling and Queueing at Refinery 1.13
Total Logistics Cost 57.02
Nitrogen 3.50
Phosphorous 2.48
Potassium 5.88
Lime 0.00
Atrazine 0.30
Acetochlor 0.66
2,4-D 2.06
Seed Cost 5.61
Site Preparation 3.32
Plantation 0.82
Chemical Application 3.22
Total Grower Payment 27.85

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